
Fencers Take 12th In New York Meet

The Crimson finished last in the Eastern Intercollegiate Fencing Association's annual tournament in New York Friday and Saturday, winning only 30 of their 99 bouts. Cornell led the 12-team with 70 wins.

Crimson teams in epee, foil, and sabre each started strongly but fell into long losing streaks that left them near the bottom of the standings in each weapon.

The outstanding individual record for the Crimson was Bill Pierskalla's six wins and five losses in epee. Pierskalla, at first in the running for the individual championship with a record of six and one, faltered and lost his last four matches.

Victors over only Trinity and Boston University, the team finished the season with a record of two wins and five defeats in dual meets.

captain Paul Forand was the only other Crimson entrant to win more than three bouts. His four and seven record paced the foil entrants.
