
Fund Appeals In All Sports May Combine

Crew to Remain Separate; Current Appeal Successful

The new combined fund drive for three spring sports will almost definitely expand next year into a comprehensive program integrating all sports but crew, Carroll F. Getchell, Business Manager of the Department of Athletics, said yesterday.

Successful early returns, amounting to $3,000, from the current drive of the baseball, tennis, and golf teams for money to defray the expenses of their southern trips during spring vacation have occasioned this optimism, Getchell added. In addition, a specific bequest of $5,000 was given by W. Palmer Dixon '25, to establish a separate squash fund.

Almost $2,300 of the total was directed toward a capital fund, to be set up as an overall endowment fund called the "Friends of Harvard Athletics." The Corporation should soon take action to establish this fund, Getchell said.

Crew Stays Separate

All managers and coaches contacted thus far have agreed to the formation of the overall fund appeal drive for next year, with the sole exception of crew, Getchell said. Crew, which originated the idea of establishing an organization to collect money for a particular sport three years ago, received over $10,000 last year, and still wishes to retain its individual drive, he added.


At present, teams taking spring vacation trips, or sending representatives to national tournaments must finance them, because they are not included in the H.A.A. budget. Before the war, however, Getchell said, the College was able to finance these extra activities. Since then the teams have had to rely on alumni contributions. "We hope that the endowment fund will grow enough so that annual appeals eventually can be eliminated, and the sports become self-sufficient," he stated.
