The Student Council voted last night, at the first meeting under its new officers, to recommend awarding the $900 net surplus from last year's Union, Smoker, and Jubilee funds to the '57 Permazent Class Committee. Until this group is elected, the treasurer of the Union and the Associate Dean of Students (Dean Watson) will hold the money.
The plan, designed to set a precedent for future excess finances, provides that the sum may be spent before the election of the class committee, by a majority vote of the Class of '57 or the Student Council. The money may be invested through the joint decision of the Treasurer and the Associate Dean.
If a permanent class committee is not elected within five years following graduation, the Council will receive the funds.
Edward M. Abramson '57, treasurer of the Council, treasurer of last year's Union Committee and author of the bill, said that a set plan for the disposal of excess freshman credits had become necessary because of the unusually large amounts left ever last year--and probably in the future--after reduced entertainment taxes.
Approves New Conservatives
Previous classes had rarely had more than a $300 surplus, used at the discretion of the Union Committee treasurer.
At the same meeting the Council also voted to recommend the approval of the New Conservative Club--unofficially certified by the Dean's Office--on the basis that the New Conservatives did not duplicate the aims of the Conservative League, founded last spring.
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