
J.V. Five Will Meet O.C.S. Team Headed By Kazmaier Tonight

The junior varsity basketball team will seek a fifth straight win from the Dick Kazmaier-led Newport Naval Base Officers Candidate team at Newport tonight. In the first game between the two schools, Kazmaier, former football All-American from Princeton, scored 23 points.

Although the Crimson defeated O.C.S., 68-56, in the first game, the JV quintet has been radically changed since then, according to coach John Green. "My team is a test ground for the varsity," he said, "and there has been a lot of moving up and down. But our chance of winning is good."

Forwards Warren Kantrowitz and Rod Long will team with center Bobby Bowman and guards Bob Dolven and Bill Schreiber to compose the starting five.

Absent from the line-up that went against O.C.S. in December will be Bob Barnett, Bob Hastings, and Dick Hurley. All three are now with the varsity.

The JV will also play Ft. Devens in the preliminary to the varsity game, tomorrow night in the IAB.
