
Campbell Wins Election to Become Radcliffe Student Council President

Nancy Campbell '56 of Alhambra, Calif, and Bertram Hall was elected President of the Radcliffe Student Council last night. Runners-up for the office were Hope Layton of New York City and Barnard Hall, and Janemarie McKelvie of Arlington.

In her campaign, Miss Campbell proposed investigating the possibilities of a guidance or counselling program for Radcliffe undergraduates. She also advocated more publicity for extra-curricular activities, although she opposed forcing students into activities by such a program.

Radcliffe students also voted in favor of a resolution calling for all-college votes only on the president and the NSA alternate delegate, allowing the Council to select the other officers, and a recommendation favoring the election of Council delegates before elections for dormitory offices.

"We wanted to find out student opinion by submitting the resolutions," Ann Kielty, electoral chairman, stated. "The recommendations are still subject to Council approval," she added.

Jeanne Baldi of Belment was elected Council vice-president; Shella Fred '57 of Lebanon, Ohio and 1627 Mass. Ave., secretary: Lee Ginsburg '57 of Newton Center and Moors, treasurer; Ann Kielty of Rockville Center, N.Y. and Holmes, NSA delegate; and Disne Kim of Washington, D.C., and Holmes Hall, electoral chairman.


Sue McCoy of Goriousville, Vs. and 91 Walker St. will be the new sub-fressnrer while Joy Santoro of Watertown will become alternate NSA delegate
