
Radcliffe Now Drinks Skim Milk After Students Protested Calories

Radcliffe women will forego their Vitamin A in the interest of weight reduction, according to Miss Marjorie Russ, Radcliffe dietitian. Annex dining halls now serve skim milk in response to student demand for fat-type milk.

"An eight-once glass of skim milk contains only 88 calories, 92 loss than regular milk, but it is also decidedly lacking in Vitamin A," Miss Russ said. The skim milk was added at the request of the 'Cliff Food Committee, formed by students last fall.

Each dormitory has a representative on the committee, which meets a with Miss Russ and Emily B. Lacey. Dean of Residence, to discuss dietary suggestions and unpopular meals. Miss Ruse said that there would be a delay in action on many other companies.
