
Winthrop Quintets Lead Leagues

The house intramural athletic program has come to a temporary halt with the advent of Christmas holidays. No standings are yet ready in squash, which began competition this week, but in basketball and hockey the following represent the current standings. Competition resumes again on Jan. 9. BASKETBALL (A League)     W  L    W  L WIN  3  0  KIR  2  2 LOW  3  1  ADAMS  1  3 LEV  2  1  DUN  1  2 ELIOT  2  2  DUD  0  3 BASKETBALL (B League)     W  L    W  L WIN  3  0  ELIOT  1  2 LEV  2  0  DUD  1  2 LOW  2  1  KIR  1  3 DUN  2  2  ADAMS  1  3

(The Eliot-Lowell "B" League game ended in a tie.) HOCKEY     W  L    W  L ADAMS  1  0  LEV  1  1 DUD  1  0  KIR  1  1 LOW  1  0  ELIOT  0  1 DUN  1  1
