
Coach Pickett Sees Victory Today As Varsity Wrestlers Take On M.I.T.

Tech 'Pretty Good' But ...

Coach Bob Pickett will be taking no chances this evening when his undefeated wrestlers face M.I.T. All able regulars will be on the mats at the IAB at 8 p.m.

Last year, Pickett could afford to send in substitutes for his regular starters against the Engineers, and he won handily anyway. But tonight, the varsity will be facing a much improved team from Tech. However, Pickett is confident that he will repeat last year's performance. "We should have no trouble winning, but they have a pretty good team," he admitted.

Missing from the mat, however, will be Ed Keating who has a bruised hip, and Charlie Harding who has a bruised rib. Keating, who wrestles at 137, will be replaced by Pete Hiam, former captain of the Freshman team, who has just returned from the service. In place of Harding, Pickett will start Joe Goodman.

Wrestling at 123 pounds will be Tatsuo Arima who lost his opening contest of the season against Amherst on December 5. Sophomore John Winthrop will start for the second time at 130 pounds.

The Crimson freshmen will face the Crimson JV's in an inter-family match before the varsity contest.
