
Location of New House May Be Near Dunster

Two Departments on Site Ready To Move

The location for the proposed Eighth House may be along Memorial Drive from below Dunster House to the Tree-Land Nursery, it was learned last night.

A series of coinciding official comments and rumors indicated yesterday that the two University buildings in this space will be vacated by September, 1956 in preparation for the construction of a new House.

Cecil A. Roberts, Superintendent of Buildings, and Grounds, said yesterday that he has been working on a project to plan a new Industrial-type building for his department, now located next to Dunster House, which would be constructed on North Harvard Street on the far side of the Stadium.

"If this project is authorized," Roberts said, "the construction for the new building will begin about September, 1956." He added that the surrounding area which is now used for parking behind the Stadium could be converted into a general service ground and could eventually provide room for a new University Bindery building.

The date mentioned by Roberts coincided with rumors reported at the Bindery which is located between the Buildings and Grounds, departments and Tree-Land. Employees at the Bindery mentioned possibilities that their office would also be vacated by September, 1956 and that they would be relocated "somewhere across the River."


Adrian A. Totagrande, Manager of the Bindery, yesterday confirmed the presence of these rumors in his department but would not comment on one report that he had been advised to out inventory in preparation for the move.

Seek Closer Site

An administrative official said, however, that while this site is always a possibility, it was not under immediate consideration by the University. "We could clear this space if we had to," he added, "but naturally we would prefer a closer location."

The official also said that a group of third-year students at the Graduate School of Design are currently working on a project to design a House in this location although their proposal would not necessarily affect any University building policy.
