
Official Predicts University Growth Along Charles in Next Five Years

The entire area between the Houses and Central Square will be razed within the next five years to allow for expansion of the University and for new housing developments, a city official predicted last night.

The merchant, who asked to remain anonymous, said that the area bordered by Massachusetts Avenue, Dunster House, the Charles River and Central Square was "ripe for rebuilding under the urban renewal scheme" and suggested that, in view of the University's contemplated construction of two new houses, "this would be the most likely location" for the buildings.

City Councillor Joseph A. DeGuglielmo '29, meanwhile, said yesterday that City Manager John J. Curry '19, will appoint the urban renewal committee next week, thus getting actual planning for Cambridge's face lifting underway. He added that Cambridge would be among the first cities to put the federally supported scheme into operation.

The Central Square merchant suggested that it would be to the city's as well as the University's advantage to expand along the Charles. Expansion in this direction would beautify Cambridge's riverfront and prevent demolition of still-usable buildings in other areas bordering the university, he said, while removing one of the city's eyesores."

"I have spoken with many city officials who all agree that the area must be one of the first to be rebuilt," he stated. "Since urban renewal entails reconstruction of vast areas, no conceivable plan for Cambridge could not include this decaying site," the businessman added.


The newly elected city council is on record as wholeheartedly supporting urban renewal as a means of attracting new businesses to the city and of raising the value of local real estate.
