Opportunity knocks again for those interested in working for the CRIMSON, when newsmen, editorial writers, photographers and businessmen are again welcome at 14 Plympton Street.
Business tycoons interested in the eight week course, guaranteed by Crimed and J. P. Morgan partner Thomas Lamont for Wall Street success should apply at 7 p.m.
Newswriters are especially urged to attend an introductory meeting to outline plans for exploration of hitherto untouched phases of Cambridge life.
Radcliffe writers and photographers will be offered special opportunities for journalistic experience, and exclusive beats with the only newspaper giving daily Annex coverage.
For anybody interested in the eight week competition, intrigued by the mechanics of newspaper work, anticipating a career in publishing or journalism, or merely charmed by seeing his work in print, the chance will again be available behind the red doors at 7 p.m.
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