
Students Initiate Stevenson Movement in Houses Today

First in Country

Students for Stevenson, the first college campaign organization for the 1956 elections in the United States, was recognized by Dean Robert B. Watson yesterday, and will begin to solicit members in the Houses today.

Charles L. Edson '56, vice-president of the group and president of the Young Democrats, said that the organization is "definitely not affiliated with the YDC," and expressed hope that Republicans and independents who "would like to see Stevenson become President would join.

The Students for Stevenson plan to write letters to other colleges encouraging similar movements among undergraduates all over the nation. Their purpose is "to solidify and activate the Stevenson supporters in the Harvard community," said James G. Hatcher, Jr. '56, president.

They will also campaign for Stevenson if he enters the Massachusetts primary elections in March.

No Solicitation at Harkness


The Executive Board, consisting of four officers and four delegates-at-large, will seek members in Dudley this noon, and the Houses and Freshman Union tonight at dinner. Plans for soliciting in Harkness Commons are awaiting Dean Watson's approval, said Edson.

Students for Stevenson is the first independent organization to support the Democratic presidential candidate at the University. There was a movement in the spring of 1952, but it was an offshoot of the Young Democrats, Edson emphasized.
