
Crimson Soccer Squad Wins, 5-0

Shad Tubman and Charlton MacVeagh led the Crimson soccer team to a 5-0 triumph over Lowell Tech yesterday at Lowell. Tubman scored twice, while MacVeagh tallied once and assisted on two other goals to give the varsity its third win in a row and eighth in ten games.

Hank Holmes and John Fisher scored the other goals. Elliot Finkelstein and Jim Perkins shared the goal-tending duties and achieved the Crimson's first shutout since Oct. 15, 1953.

Lowell's general ineptness allowed Coach Bruce Munro to use his entire squad. The team plays an equally hapless Brown squad tomorrow at 2 p.m. in Providence.

Yesterday, the freshman team won its fifth straight, downing Milton Academy, 2 to 1. Bill Stone and John Hamlin scored for the Yardlings in the game on the Business School Field.
