The twenty earnest gentlemen pictured above are responsible for a sports recruitment program that could compare to major league farm systems. As freshman athletic managers, they will, before next June, have cajoled some seven hundred freshmen into playing in intramural leagues in fourteen sports.
Like its bigger, though younger brother the House League, the Freshman Intramural Athletic Program awards points for each position in the fourteen leagues and then totals all points to determine the overall champion. Last year's winner was Grays hall which finished almost 200 points ahead of second-place Holsworthy.
In several ways the freshman league stands ahead of its upperclass counterpart. While only 40% of the upperclassmen compete in the House Leagues, over 60% of the freshmen participated in the Yard program. This is primarily due to the fact that the freshman athletic units are considerably smaller than the Houses and it is thus easier to make a team.
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