
Barbers in Square Predict $1.50 Haircuts

Harvard Square barbers yesterday predicted a twenty-five cent price raise for haircuts will come within the next two months.

The prediction was the local barbers' reaction to recommendations of the Association of Master Barbers and Beauticians of America who this week adopted a resolution favoring a $2 haircut. The local price is $1.25.

"They're talking through their hats when they think of charging two dollars," J. Allen Moloney, owner of the University Barber Shop, said yesterday. "But there's been plenty of agitation to raise the price around here. I think we may raise it to $1.50."

Reuther Influence

"I think the reason for any haircut raise can be traced right back to the agreement between General Motors and Reuther (of the United Auto Workers)." Authony Ferranti of the Harvard Barber Shop, stated." First steel went up, then cars, and finally it fitered down to the barbershops."


Barbers said that the current rise has been under discussion for more than six months. The last time the price for a haircut went up was in 1951, when it jumped from $1 to $1.25.

"It was raised last month in Roxbury and Dorchester," Fred Lombardi, manager of La Flamme, pointed out. "The people around here expect it. Of course, they may hold out when the price does go up and wait an extra week before getting a haircut."

"But this won't last long," Lombardi added. "Last time it went up they held off for a couple of months and then got used to it. I don't think they'll go down to Central Square, where the price is lower. A quarter doesn't mean that much to our kind of trade."

Crew Cuts Affected

4444The barbers said that any price raise on haircuts will be applicable to crew cuts, trims, and haircuts for partially bald men.

Lombardi said the higher price will help the local shops keep their special kind of trade, while the "other trade will stay down in Central Square or go other places."
