
Jordan Stresses Pass Plays in Light Drills

Crimson Takes to the Air

Coach Lloyd Jordan, who said Monday he "might have run the boys a little too hard last week," sent his first two teams through a light workout yesterday. The third unit played in the JV game against Tufts.

Main features of yesterday's drill were the long 35-to-45 yard passes thrown by quarterbacks Leo Daley and Phil Haughey. Wingback John Simourian, slightly injured in the Dartmouth game, was on the receiving end of most of the passes.

Jordan said that his team would "have a tough fight for the rest of the season. We know this, and we also know what we want to do--and that's win. We know the Yale game is the big game, but we're after them all."

Leading off the last half of the varsity season Saturday will be a Bucknell squad, an unknown factor around Boston except to Crimson scouts. After the Thundering Herd passes through, the Tigers from Princeton come to town to avenge the 14-9 setback the Crimson gave them last fall.

Following the Princeton game, the team runs into a Brown squad that personially plays one of its best games against the Crimson. And on Nov. 19, practically the whole College moves down to New Haven for the traditional encounter with a strong Yale team that has been defeated only once so far this season.
