
Student Council Gives PBH $200, Urges Students to Support Group

The Student Council last night voted $200 to the Phillips Brooks House Association and passed a resolution urging all undergraduates to "join us in supporting this worthy organization during the present Combined Charities Drive."

Such Council endorsement of a single undergraduate organization was the "first time anything like this has been done," Treasurer Edward M. Abramson '57, one of the sponsors of the resolution, said.

Action was taken for three reasons, according to the resolution. First, because PBH's "only source of contributions is the Harvard student body, while other charities have many sources from which to solicit.

"Secondly, because the entire membership o Brook House "is composed of Harvard students," and thirdly, because PBH is at present in dire financial need which jeopardizes its philanthropic program to the point where activities will have to be drastically curtailed."

Activities Curtailed


Abramson noted that the Council's contribution would force curtailment of certain other activities of the group. "But something had to be done," he said. "PBH deserves existence on campus as much as the Student Council itself."

According to Brooks House Graduate Secretary Douglas W. Hunt '55, PBH needs "at least $3,000 from the Combined Charities Drive to met its expenses.
