
Blame Placed on University, CBS For TV Blackout

An official of Boston's WNAC-TV yesterday blamed the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Columbia Broadcasting System, and the University for his station's failure to carry this Saturday's telecast of the Harvard-Dartmouth game.

Meanwhile, College undergraduates led by Burton F. Traub '57 started a mail and telephone campaign aimed at persuading the station to change its stand and carry the game. There was some possibility that a large number of letters and phone calls today might affect WNAC-TV's policy.

George W. Stoffy, vice-president of WNAC-TV, asserted that the commercial disadvantages of the N.C.A.A. regional football package have prevented both CBS and local stations from obtaining a suitable sponsor for the games. He also blamed CBS for not making the Dartmouth game available until his station had already scheduled programs for Saturday afternoon, and the University for putting "severe restrictions" on the types of sponsor it would accept for Crimson games.
