
Model UN Assembly For Foreign Students Meets This Evening

A Model United Nations Assembly, sponsored by the UN Council, will inaugurate a drive to interest the University's 800 foreign students in extracurricular activities, tonight at 7 p.m. in the Geographical Lecture Room.

Student delegations will be asked to present their country's outlooks on the problem of United Nations interference in the aspects of colonialism. Anthony N. Wahl, teaching fellow in Government, will preside as chairman.

Only the first in a series of meetings, "the model assembly is an appeal for foreign students to participate in University organizations," Leonard S. Levine '56, Vice-President of the United Nations Council, said yesterday.

Levine said that the Council started its drive as an attempt to show the University's foreigners that there is more to Harvard than intellectual pursuits. "Right now, most of them limit their extracurricular activities to the International Student Center," he commented.
