
Dartmouth Opens Dorms for Dates

Dartmouth is preparing for some weekend companions in the wilderness. The crowds expected at the Harvard game this Saturday have forced fraternities and one dormitory to house dates overnight, and an athletic holiday has cancelled all Saturday classes.

Students from Cambridge who have not yet arranged for a place to stay may have to travel as far as 20 miles from Hanover for rooms, students at Dartmouth reported last night. This will be the first time since 1946 that Harvard has played in Hanover.

Dartmouth students have been exerting pressure on the administration for weeks to get them to open the fraternities and one dormitory for dates.

Last week, the administration finally gave in and sanctioned a fourth "houseparty weekend."

Horrified at 4th House Party


A letter in "The Dartmouth" was one of the first expressions of the need for space to house dates. "What is the basis for this horror at the mention of a fourth house party?" wrote Richard S. Scobie '56. "I'm up here for an education, true, but I don't believe that all of what I call education can be found in Baker Library.

"I personally feel that I am socially retarded because of the Dartmouth social life," he continued. "The Dartmouth man is invariably the sloppiest, the most ill at ease, and the most restless individual in the crowd.

"He feels he must go three times as fast to make up for lost time," he continued, "and finding this impossible, often makes a fool of himself."
