
Council's Poll Cites Parking Facility Need

Confirms Enlarging of B-School Space

The Student Council last night submitted to the Administration the results of last week's parking poll, which showed that a substantial number of students would use University parking facilities.

At the same time, Charles O. Pyne, administrative assistant to the vice president, said that the figures "luckily coincided with his plans for the enlargement of facilities south of the Business School."

Pyne had asked the Council to conduct the survey to confirm his plans for enlargement of present parking space and the possible opening of new facilities in Soldiers Field.

Temporary Lot Possible

He said last night, however, that it was doubtful that the University would open any land in Soldiers Field unless as a temporary lot pending the completion of the Business School addition. Work on the Business School addition. Work on the Business School lot is presently delayed because of licensing requirements.


Although the University now holds a license for parking in Soldiers Field, this license will expire at the end of November, Pyne said.

The Student Council received 491 responses to its poll last week, about one half of the estimated number of undergraduate automobile owners. Two hundred and sixty-five students indicated a willingness to park on University lots.

Second Poll Advised

One hundred fourteen of these responses were from car owners who had no place to park under present laws.

The Council, in submitting the figures, expressed the desirability of holding another poll later in the season when police pressure will have lessened and a larger number of replies could be solicited.

At the same meeting, the Council confirmed the appointment of Gerald D. Goldberg'57 of Lowell House as a regular Council member.
