
Varsity Track Team Will Oppose Weak Brown Squad Here Tomorrow

The varsity track team, after scoring an upset victory over B.U. before vacation, faces a weak Brown squad in the Briggs Cage tomorrow. The freshmen will also compete against the Bruins, beginning at 1:30 p.m.

Last year the team edged Brown in the hurdles, dash, 1000, and mile and judging by the results of the Boston University meet it should repeat its victories in these events and strengthen its position in the weight throw and shot put.

Against B.U., sophomores Mike Robertson, Dick Wharton, and Joel Cohen were particularly outstanding. Cohen, who led last year's Yardling squad, was first in the high jump, second in the 40-yard dash, and third in the broad jump, copping the highest individual point total on the team.

Wharton, last year's Freshman track captain, ran a very creditable race in the 1000, finishing second to the Terriers Bill Smith, last year's National A.A.U. champion.

By taking a third in the 600 Mike Robertson showed that he, too, will be a great help to Coach Bill McCurdy's excellent group of middle distance men. Dave Alpers and Renny Little finished ahead of Robertson in the Crimson's sweep of this event. Both Little and Alpers are holdovers from last year's record-breaking mile relay team.


Siler and Goldman Favored

Art Siler and the fast-improving Carl Goldman should give the varsity first places in the field events. Last year Siler's 49 foot 2 inch toss beat the Bruins and he started this season by outdistancing his B.U. opponents. Goldman gave one of the best performances of his track career in taking the weight throw in the same meet.

Captain Bob Rittenburg's seconds in the high hurdles, broad jump, and high jump against B.U. seem to indicate that he and Joel Cohen should sweep the hurdles and dashes.
