The Dramatic Club has received permission from the University to use a large section of the Harvard Book Bindery's first floor as its central head-quarters. Edward J. Golden '55, HDC president, announced the acquisition last night and emphasized the importance of the move for dramatics here.
"For the first time we have a central location for the entire production of all our plays. Not only will we have internal efficiency in our organization, but we will also stop losing money," Golden said last night.
Late next week the club will start moving into its new location which will have not only storage space and set and costume shops but also an arena theater twice the size of the present workshop theater. All workshop productions will be held here during the spring, although major HDC productions will continue to be presented in outside theaters.
Organization and Continuity
Frederick C. Packard, Jr., associate professor of Public Speaking and one of the HDC's faculty advisers, also praised the move. "The Club can now feel organized and have some sense of continuity in its work," he said. "Surely this is a step forward, and it is particularly fortunate the Club is in a University building where it will have no steep rental charges and the members will have a free hand to work without jeopardy to valuable property."
Golden and other HDC officers sent a letter to all professors and administration officials interested in Harvard dramatics immediately after the School for Scandal production last fall describing the problems of continuing to produce plays with facilities in three or four different locations all over Cambridge. Packard and Dean Watson then started a tour of all University buildings to find a suitable location for the centralization of HDC activities.
Their final suggestion was the first floor of the Harvard Book Bindery. Golden approved the site when he saw it, and although since then the space allocation has been cut down, there is still enough room for the 100-seat theater, workshops and storage space.
The Club plans to center all of the activities for its production of "The Seagull" at the new location.
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