
Varsity Wrestles Powerful Brown

Knocked down but far from out by injuries, the varsity wrestling team tangles with Brown, informally the Ivy League's strongest power, down at Providence tomorrow afternoon at 3 p.m. The freshmen wrestle an hour earlier.

The match, the Crimson's last before mid-years, pits an undermanned and heavyweight-dominated squad against the undefeated and united Bruins, who will be doubly tough to best on their home mat.

A dislocated shoulder sustained last week in the Renn match has permanently sidelined lightweight Tatsuo Aroma, who will be replaced by lanky sophomore Bob McLaughlin. Dick Hook, junior 157-ponder, in out for the season with a broken wrist. Letterman Frank Baker, also 157 pounds, is not expected to return until after mid-years.

With other inexperienced or non-wining men men in the lightweight divisions, Coach Bob Pickett will count heavily on his older heavyweights against a Brown team composed mainly of seniors. The Bruins recently won the New England A.A.U. tournament and defeated Columbia, which in turn beat Yale.

Besides McLaughlin, two other men have broken into the lineup since last Saturday's 14-14 tie with Penn. Sophomore Jim Dale will wrestle at 157 in place of Mick Murray, who drops to the 147 pound class. And junior Pete Morrison, who took Bob Wynn in a close trial match this week, fills out the roster as unlimited.
