
Next Burr Tutor in Adams May Have Permanent Rank

Three-Man Committee Nominates Stewart For New Position

Two steps toward appointment of the first Burr Senior Tutor of permanent rank have now been taken, it was learned last night. Before the appointment, to fill the vacancy in Adams House, is final however, the recommendation still must receive the approval of four high University offices.

Recommended for the position by the three man committee appointed by Dean Bundy, has been Zaph Stewart, assistant professor of Greek and Latin and at present Lowell tutor in Glaverly.

His appointment to succeed Joseph C. Palamountain, Jr., assistant professor of Government ad retiring Burr Tutor in Adams, hinges upon the Corporation's and Overseer's approval of his promotion to associate professor. Neither group has yet considered his name.

If Stewart receives the promotion, he will become the first Senior Tutor to fulfill the qualification originally intended for all Burr Tutors. The Bender Report, when it decentralised the Dean's Office in 1951, recommended that all Burr Tutors hold permanent positions on the faculty. No Senior Tutor has yet held permanent rank in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

At present, Stewart has received the recommendation of a three-man committee composed of Dean Leighton, Reuben A. Brower, Master of Adams, and Palamountain, for the post in Adams House. He has also received the approval of the Classics Department for promotion to associate professor.


Bundy Must Approve

But Dean Bundy, who is expected to return to Cambridge next week, has not yet soon nor approved the recommendation. If he passes on the choice, Stewart's name will go before an ad hoc committee appointed by the Corporation. This committee must review the Classics Department's recommendation for promotion.

If the Committee agrees with the Classics Department's choice, Stewart's name then must go before the Corporation and then the Board of Overseers for final confirmation.

Palamountain will leave his post at Adams House for a professorship at Wesleyan College at the end of the academic year. It is presented Stewart, if approved, will succeed to the post on July 1.

Stewart was unavailable for comment last night.
