
Varsity Six Defeats Huskies In Watson Rink Inaugural

Two game-tying goals by Northeastern in the third period almost deprived the varsity hockey team of an inaugural victory in the Watson rink Saturday. The Crimson rebounded, however, to score four more times and win going away, 6 to 2.

Inaccurate shooting, bad luck, and fancy goal-tending by Huskie goalie Bill Lawn had prevented the varsity from scoring until early in the second period, Lawn had 22 saves in the first period alone as the Crimson did everything but put the puck in the net, even with a two-man advantage at one point.

Bill Clearly broke the scoreless deadlock at 1:26 of the second period when he got around the defense, faked Lawn, and slipped the puck past him. Defense man Nod Ahoy made it 3 to 0 at the 13-minute mark on a long shot from the left lards through the legs of several North eastern players.

In the third as well as the first period, the varsity kept play in the Northeastern zone most of the time and displayed pin-point passing. The Huskie defense men saved several possible goals by stopping shots from the blue line, thus preventing dangerous rebounds. Many times, however, the varsity defeated itself by shooting wide of the cage or directly into Lawn's pads. Lawn had 51 saves during the game, Flynn had 23.

Huskles Tie Game


The Huskies scored two goals within 28 seconds of each other in the opening minutes of the third period. The first tally came when goalie Charlie Flynn lost a rebound for a second, and Dick Hooter poked it in.

Momentarily stunned, the Crimson soon retook the initiative and went ahead again on Frank Mahoney's goal at 3:19. Lawn tried to another a shot by Ned Blase but Mahoney scored before he could gain control.

Joe Crehore, who alternated on both the first and third lines, tallied three minutes later on a hard backhand shot into the left corner after taking Terry O'Malley's pass-out from the boards. Northeastern was a man short at the time.

Cleary Gains Assist

Cleary set up the final two Crimson scores on smooth pass plays. He passed to Crehore on a breakaway, allowing him to go in along on the cage and score his second goal at 10:12. Four minutes later, Cleary got around the defense, drew Lawn to the right of the cage, and passed to defenseman Art Noyes, who was unguarded on the left, for the sixth goal.

In the freshman game, the Yardlings defeated Northeastern, 6 to 4, despite a late surge by the Huskies.
