
Heavy Crew Underdog In Yale Race June 19; Starts Training Friday

Rated an underdog against Yale for the first time since 1945, the varsity heavy crew transfers its activity Friday to Red Top, the Crimson rowing camp on the Thames River at New London, Conn.

Coach Harvey Love will load a group including the varsity, jayvee, freshman, and combination heavy crews to the encampment in time to hold an early evening workout Friday. It will be their first practice in preparation for the 89th annual Harvard-Yale Regatta, to be held on the Thames Saturday, June 19.

On the basis of their previous meeting this year--the Eastern Sprints on May 15--in which the Elis finished second, the Crimson fourth, the Bulldogs are slight favorites. Because the two teams competing are Yale and Harvard and because the race is a four-mile grind instead of the usual two-miles grind instead of the usual two-miles, pre-game odds usually don't men much at New London.
