
Three Commencement Orators Are Selected

Mortimer H. Chambers 2G, A. Thomas Cole, Jr. '54, and Milton S. Gwirtzman '54 have been selected to give the Commencement orations on June 17, it was announced yesterday.

Chambers, a resident of Grosse Pointe, Mich., will deliver the graduate English oration on "A Student Looks at Humane Scholarship." The Latin oration will be given by Cole, who is from Urbana, Ill. and Lowell House. Gwirtzman, of Rochester, N.Y. and Dunster House, will deliver the undergraduate English oration on "Education and the Silent Generation."

The three Commencement speakers were selected by the Faculty Committee on Commencement Parts, and will receive awards consisting of books signed by President Pusey.
