
Four New Full Professors Named In Philosophy, English, Mineralogy

Appointment of four members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to full professorships was announced by Dean Bundy yesterday.

The appointments of Henry D. Aiken, of the Philosophy Department, Albert J. Guerard, of the English Department, and Clifford Frondel and C. S. Hurlbut, Jr. of the Mineralogy Department will become effective July 1.

Aiken, who works especially in ethics, aesthetics, and value theory, is a trustee for the American Society for Aesthetics. He received his B.A. from Reed College, his M.A. from Stanford, and his Ph.D. from the University. He became associate professor here in 1916.

Guerard--probably the best known of the four--is a novelist, literary critic, and teacher or writer on modern English. His writings include "The Past Must Alter," "The Hunted," "Maquisar," and "Night Journey." He is also the author of critical works on Robert Bridges, Joseph Conrad, Thomas Hardy, and Andre Gide. A graduate of Stanford, he received his Ph.D. there, and joined the University faculty in 1938.

Mineralogy Experts


Frondel and Hurlbut are both authorities in the general field of mineralogy and crystallography. The Berman Memorial X-ray Laboratory and the Mineralogical Museum of the University are under their direction.

A graduate of the Colorado School of Mines. Frondel received his M.A. from Columbia and his Ph.D. from M.I.T. Hurlbut is the author of 'Manual of Mineralogy" and "Minerals and Row to Study Them."
