
Conservative League Will Protest Legality of Green Feather Group

The Secretary of the Young conservative League will meet with Dean Watson today to lodge and discuss a written protest against the waive of rules which allowed the anti-McCarthy Green Feather group to distribute buttons in the Union and in some Houses early this week.

As of last night, the Green Feather Group had sold 970 of the 1000 pins which it had ordered, and still had two more Houses to canvass.

In the written protest, which will be given Watson today, the Young conservatives charge that the nature of the newly-formed Green feather organization does not justify a suspension of the accepted rules.

"It's a kind of hysterical, fly-by-night group," said David B. Cole, secretary to the Young conservatives, last night.

Not Political


The protest states, "The (Green Feather) organization assumes the privileges of an accredited undergraduate organization for a few weeks at best, then disappears; for it will have no function or purpose when the temporary agitation dies down and will never be called upon to assume the responsibilities of a regular-undergraduate organization."

"If, before the Conservative League had been recognized, we had passed out pro. McCarthy buttons, we never would have been recognized," Cole said. "It looks almost as if the Dean's Office were giving political favoritism to liberal groups."

Another paragraph of the formal complaint reads, however. "There is no question of politics involved. The Conservative league does not object to the selling of Green Feathers, etc. It is rather a matter of rundamental principle."
