
Faculty's Ceremonies Moved into Sanders

An expected turnout of over 500 professors has forced members of the faculty to shift tomorrow's formal ceremonies praising the University Administration from the faculty room in University Hall to Sanders Theatre.

As printed on invitations sent to 1,100 faculty members, the ceremony is scheduled for 4:30 p.m.

The switch in meeting arrangements does not mean that the meeting is open to the public. Designed as a faculty expression of appreciation for the University's stand in the issue of Academic Freedom, the ceremony was planned for the 250-man faculty room. But enthusiastic response forced the change.

The idea for officially voicing such faculty backing of the Administration grew from the Harvard chapter of the American Association of University Professors.

This meeting is essentially an intra-faculty affair and not an expression of official A.A.U.P. policy. There are a little over 150 University professors in the A.A.U.P. here.
