
Ivy Films Starts Producing Movie About University

Ivy Films, at the request of the Alumni Association, has tentatively begun the production of a new documentary film describing the College and University to prospective applicants, it was learned last night.

The new film will replace a "March of Time" picture made about four years ago. Critics of the old film have claimed it is "too stiff," containing much unrealistic dialogue.

Last night the film group started shooting background scenes, which it will continue to do for the remainder of the term. The Alumni group is supplying Ivy with the necessary color film.

An Ivy Films spokesman indicated that these scenes will be shown to a joint faculty-alumni committee this summer. If this footage is approved, it is believed this group will then outline the final objectives of the film to Ivy Films. The actual production of the sound technicolor film would begin in the fall.

The Film Club will take shots of the vicinity for the next two weeks. Included among the projected landmarks are the Yard, banks of the Charles River, University Hall, and the seven Houses.


With the organization now producing a documentary film for Phillips Brooks House, Charles G. Kadison '55, Ivy Films president, said last night his group needs experienced 16 mm. color photographers to aid in the production of the new film.
