
Crimson Baseball Squad Takes On Powerful Boston University Today

The varsity baseball team will try to even its record at four wins and four losses this afternoon against a strong Boston University nine. The game is scheduled for Soldiers Field at 3:45.

The Terriers, rated by local sports-writers as the area's top team, beat the Crimson, 3 to 1, at Braves Field early in the season, as a 360 foot home run by Dick Stoico spelled the difference. Today's game is crucial for the varsity's chances in the Greater Boston League. B.U. has already beaten B.C. in addition to the Crimson.

The pitching assignment for today's game is still uncertain. Number one hurler Andy Ward, hindered by a sore arm, will probably not pitch until Saturday's game with Princeton. Nod Felton appears the most likely starter, since he was scheduled to pitch Tuesday's rained-out game with Boston College.

The undefeated freshman baseball team will also see action today. Its opponent is a strong Holy Cross team, which will hold the advantage of playing on its home field at Worcester. Don Repotto, who beat Tufts last Thursday, will be the Crimson's starting pitcher. Phil Haughey will open at catcher, John Simourian at first, bob Hastings at second, Bob Barnet third, and Matt Bottsford at short. Joel Bernstein, Dick Fischer, and Don Nickerson are slated to start in the outfield.
