
Council Will Poll College Today on Saturday Classes

More than 4,000 College students, faculty members, and administration officials will be polled today in a Student Council investigation of attendance statistics and attitudes regarding Saturday classes.

The poll will be distributed this morning by the various House and dormitory committees. It is expected that the students' opinions will be tabulated tonight.

Results of the poll, which will be conducted by the Council Committee On Saturday Attendance, will be presented in a report at the next Council meeting on May 3. This new Committee, headed by Roger C. Cohen '55 and Gerald A. Wolff '55, was created yesterday by Student Council president Clifford L. Alexander '55 as part of the Council's new policy of taking faster action on current student issues.

Appeal by Kemble

The move to determine opinions on attendance at Saturday classes was taken in response to an appeal by Edwin C. Kemble, professor of Physics, who said last week that poor attendance at Saturday classes was causing a loss of morale among students and faculty members.


Drawn up in collaboration with Eleanor E. Maccoby, lecturer on Social Psychology, the poll will ask students to number their Saturday cuts, list reasons for them, and offer a solution to regulate Saturday attendance.

Dean of Students Delmar Leighton said last Friday that the problem has been referred to the faculty Committee on Educational Policy.
