
ADA Attacked In Cherington HLU Address

Professor Criticizes Group As Excessively 'Doctrinaire'

Americans for Democratic Action is not playing its proper role as a political outlet for American liberalism, Charles R. Cherington '35, professor of Government, told a Liberal Union meeting last night.

Cherington, who withdrew from ADA several years ago after a conflict within the organization, reiterated his belief that the group's present leadership is following too doctrinaire a course for the good of the liberal cause. "Such a position is as bad as that of the National Association of Manufacturers in that it assumes a complete budget of revealed truth," be said.

"A real A.D.A.-type organization is needed for the defense of civil rights," Cherington continued. "A.D.A. ought to be a general Chatauqua for genuine liberals--not just a pressure group."

Attacks Furcolo

"There should be a place for liberals to go for tolerance in discussion and for the preservation of civil liberties," he explained. "The extreme right is disgusting, intolerant, and parochial in its viewpoint and the A.D.A. is doctrinaire."


Despite his criticism of A.D.A., Cherington attacked State Treasurer Foster Furcolo's recent suggestion that the group disband entirely. "There is a need for some sort of organization overlapping party lines,' 'the professor explained.

"A.D.A. should stand for reason, tolerance, and manifest goodwill as opposed to dogmatism," he emphasized.

Referring only briefly to his difficulties in A.D.A. and his subsequent resignation, Cherington said, 'In a way, I wish I was back. But I was mad as a wet hen then. . ."
