General Education Ahf next fall will expand and intensify its current system of providing special sections for advanced and poorly prepared students.
Harold C. Martin, director of the required course in English composition, said yesterday that the success of this term's experiment will bring increased concentration next year on both the "honors" and remedial sections. Both programs will be extended and will begin immediately in September, he explained.
The course this year has offered special, twice-weekly sections since the fall for students needing extra instruction, but did not establish any honors sections until midyears. At present, there are approximately 100 students in these advanced sections.
Immediate Admission
Certain members of the Class of '58 will be admitted to Gen Ed honors sections as soon as classes start in the fall. Martin said. To qualify for one of these sections, incoming freshmen will have to be in the top fifth of their class, and will also have to do well on an examination essay, which will be given during Orientation Week.
Main advantage of the honors sections is the opportunity they offer for deeper critical analysis, Martin said. Advanced student this spring have also enjoyed the greater freedom in selecting topics of study, he added.
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