Senator Leverett Saltonstall '14 (R-Mass.) announced yesterday that he will support a move to restore a $6' million appropriations slash--made by the House--to the international student exchange program.
The Student Council was one of several groups urging Saltonstall and other members of the Senate Appropriations Committee to reject the house measure.
The State Department appropriations subcommittee of the Senate group will consider the student exchange program later this week. At that time, a group led by Karl Mundt (R-S. Dak.) will recommend that the Senate follow President Eisenhower's budget recommendation allocating $15 million to the program.
One of the few members of the committee who has not definitely announced his support of Eisenhower's proposed measure is Senator Everett Dirkson (R-III.) "I will not take a position until I hear further testimony," Dirkson said yesterday.
Senators Homer Ferguson (R-Mich.), Milton R. Young (R-N. Dak.), Edward J. Thye (R-Minn.), Richard B. Russell (D-Ga.), Lister Hill (D-Ala.), and Warren G. Magnuson (D-Wash.) have already praised the attempt to restore the appropriation to the full $15 million spent last year.
Over $7 million was used last year to support foreign students studying in this country, but on March 8 the House voted to reduce the total allocation to $9 million this year. Only $1,500,000 of this would be spent for students studying in America.
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