
Class of 1952 to Serve as Subject Of Comprehensive Vocational Polls

The Class of 1952 will serve as the subject of a comprehensive vocational survey conducted by the Office of Student Placement, Louis L. Newby, Jr., assistant director of Student Placement, disclosed yesterday.

Sixty-five percent of the class has already returned questionnaires designed to classify its vocational status one year after graduation. The Placement Office will also send out more complete questionnaires to check up on the graduates after three years, ten years, and even longer intervals.

Poll's Purpose

"The purpose of the poll is to determine what Harvard men are doing now and what they will do, so that the Placement Office may better help seniors," Newby explained yesterday.

Preliminary returns on the questionnaires have not yet been tabulated, but Newby expects to issue a written report on the project by the end of the current academic year.


Men of '52 in graduate schools were asked their rank and their school, plus future vocational plans. Those in military service gave particulars on their plans after mustering out. All others listed employment or other endeavors, salary, and future plans.

Placement Office workers will correlate the findings with statistics on rank in class, test scores, and fields of concentration of the Class of '52, many of which will be furnished soon by the Office of Tests.
