
Wintergreens Top Rineharts, 49-38 In House Annual All-Star Basketball

The fast breaking Wintergreens upset a favored Rinchart five, 49 to 38, last night in the inter-House all-star basketball contest, played before a sparse crowd of 120 spectators in the IAB.

Lack of height proved no handicap to the gold jerseys Wintergreen squad, as they surprised their taller opponents by outplaying them on the rebounds. Key man for the victors, guard Jim Jones of Dunster, used neat ball high scorers, with 11 and eight points respectively. Two Winthropmopn, Goorge doyle at guard and Dave Bodiker at forward tapped in seven and six points respectively to round out the four top Wintorgroon scorers.

For the losers, forward John Green of Kirkland drew five fouls in the game, but came up with ton points to lead his mates. Forward Cliff Alexandor of Lowell tied the hard-charging, playmaker. Dan Mauers of Loverett, with seven points, while Kirkiland's Nell bortz took fourth in team scoring dropping in two field goals and a foul shot for total of five points.

Dunster and Loverett had the largest number of starters, each with three. The Funsters started Jim Wade at forward, and Ron peyton and Jones as guards; the Bunies had Dan Mayers at center, and Lee Hurd and Paul Donovan in the guard slots wlion the game began.

With a five point bulge at the half, 23 to 18, the Wintergreens were never hesded. With five nineties left, Green and his Rinehart teammates could not overcome a ton point defiled, which was extended to 11 as the game ended.


The game was played in two 15 minute haves and highlighted by the high scoring Dunster representatives, who continued the sharpshooting they displayed in the regular inter-House tourney.
