
Smoker Presents Freshman Show At 7 p.m. Tonight

The '57 Smoker Committee will present its annual show for the freshman class tonight at 7 p.m. in Sanders Theatre.

The entertainment will be highlighted by Rita Gam, movie Actress, al Capp, song writer, and Betty Bartley, leading lady in the stage play "Twin Beds."

Capp will present a satire, Miss Bartley will sing several songs from "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" and "Gentlemen Prefer his own songs, and Rita Gam performs in a skit, the details of which are not yet known.

Student talent will also not be lacking-Bill Kaufman '57 will perform as Master of Ceremonies; while Steve Addis plays popular music. Even Radcliffe will be represented by planist Bunny Kuller '57.

Other top entertainers, including sabby Lewis and his "blue" band, Vic Dickinson and the Mahogany All-Stars, and popular singer Ellie Williams, will entertain.


Martin, chairman of the Committee, expressed hopes that students would get plenty of laughs though there would be no striptease acts.
