
Houses, Glee Club Desert Weekend; Key Not Worried

The All-College Weekend yesterday became a big open dance sponsored by the Crimson Key Society.

Both the Glee Club and Dunster House announced they would not participate in the Weekend this year. At the same time, two House Committee chairmen expressed doubt that their Houses would go along with the Key's plans for the Weekend.

The Dunster House Committee will hold its annual House Masquerade on May 8, instead of April 23, the Friday night of the Weekend.

Glee Club Withdraws

Almost simultaneously, members of the Glee Club withdrew another activity from the All-College Weekend, when they refused to sing at any time during the Weekend because they "were too involved with other commitments."


Both Eliot and Lowell blasted the Weekend as the Lowell House Committee announced it will present one performance of its House Opera on April 24, the night of the All-College Dance; and Eliot House Committee chairman John S. Chat field '55 said that Eliot House would not present any Friday night function this year.

Key President William D. Coakley '55 seemed unconcerned that the Houses were not cooperating. "I'm too busy concentrating on other Key activities to concern myself with the Weekend now," Coakley said.
