By unanimous vote, the Student Council last night endorsed the attempt of 35 Air ROTC seniors here to gain commissions this spring.
Part of the group, led by George S. Abrams '54, will go to Washington next week to present the Council's endorsement, along with other relevant information, to Air Force officials.
In a statement released last night, the Council said, "We feel that the United States Air Force has committeed a grievous error in not granting commissions to approximately 50 percent of the graduating cadets in the Air Force ROTC program. . . By not granting commissions to these men the United States Air Force is guilty not only of a moral breach of faith to its cadets, but also to the College which has incorporated such an officer training program into its academic curriculum. . ."
"Moral Commitment"
Late last night Abrams expressed the view that the Air Force's announced policy of denying commissions to many cadets will seriously weaken its future reserve officers training program in colleges throughout the country. "Students in the future may hesitate to join a college organization which has in the past broken moral obligations. As members of the AFROTC we are vitally interested in the future of the Air Force and we sincerely hope that its policy makers will reconsider and realize that its best interest would be served in honoring its obligations despite any inconveniences which may be involved," he said.
Hannah Statement
According to Abrams, Dr. John A. Hannah, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Personnel, told a press conference on August 31, 1953, "Legally there is no contract but morally there is, and, of course . . . with youngsters of any age, there is nothing more important than a high value on commitments, even though it is inconvenient."
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