
Buckley Revives Charges Against Shapley

"I'M bored with those things and probably won't even read the book," Harlow D. Shapley, professor of Astronomy, said last night about pro-Communist charges made against him in a book written recently by two Yale graduates.

In the book, "McCarthy and His Enemies," L. Brent Bozell and Williams F. Buckley, Jr. reiterate charges that Shapley was a member of numerous Communist front organizations while he was unofficially employed by the State Department as a member of a United Nations missions."

"Nothing to Be Gained"

"There is nothing to be gained by denying these charges," Shapley said. "They are the same old accusations repeated over and over again."

Only four pages of the book are devoted to Shapley, and the authors also examine charges against John Stewart Service, Owen Lattimore, and others in an attempt "to throw down a bold challenge to the writers, teachers, and politicians who regard McCarthyism and Communism as twin evils and who profess to see in the former the more imminent danger to our freedom."


Exhaustive Exposition

Bozell and Buckley claim that this is the first exhaustive exposition of McCarthyism, and document evidence to confirm their support of McCarthy. On the flyleaf they issue a challenge for auti-McCarthyittee to disprove the book.

Buckley, a former chairman of the Yale Daily News, graduated from Yale in 1950, and published his controversial "God and Man at Yale" a year later.

The book advocated alumni control of the Yale curriculum and members of the faculty through financial pressures. It was widely attacked.
