
Block Seating Proposal Now Up to Council

Organizations May Attend in Groups at Sporting Events

All recognized undergraduate organizations may be able to sit together as groups at games if plans outlined last night before the Undergraduate Athletic Council are approved.

These new seating proposals, presented by a group of undergraduates and endorsed by 20 organizations, were presented as an amendment to the recently adopted H.A.A. seating plan which was approved by the faculty early this winter.

Under the faculty-approved plan only four students from the same House, plus their dates, could be seated together. The amendment proposed last night would enable members of a recognized organization to sit together as a group.

Incorporate Plans

The Undergraduate Athletic Council, a group of captains from major and minor sports with power to recommend athletic policies to the Faculty Committee on Athletics, is now working to incorporate the organization amendment into the four-man seating plan.


Chances are good at the present time that the amendment will go through with only small changes in application and allocation procedure.

The present four-man ticket plan was adopted to end abuses in ticket distribution which plagued the system last fall, to eliminate student lines, and to speed up ticket processing by the H.A.A.

A maximum of four students from one House could apply as a block under this plan. Their application would be processed through a House agent, probably the House athletic secretary, who would act as a liaison between the group and the H.A.A. ticket window. He would be responsible for final ticket distribution within the House.

Though the Council has still to iron out actual details of organizational application and allocation of tickets, the final plan will probably retain most of the features, of the plan approved earlier by the faculty.

Once such technicalities have been arranged the final seating plan will go once and for all to the Faculty Committee on Athletics for official sanction.
