
Council Supports Foreign Students Against Fund Cut

The Student Council last night acted to help prevent Senate passage of a bill that would reduce the University's foreign student enrollment by some 300 next year.

Sending two Council members to Washington to testify before a Senate committee was one proposed move against the bill. Council President Clifford L. Alexander, Jr. '55 appointed a committee to investigate this and other steps.

The legislation, which was approved by the House last week, cuts the 1955 budget for the government's student exchange program from $15 million to $9 million. It also reduces funds for the support of foreign students in America from $7 million to $1,500,000.

Captain Chostor H.J. Keppler, counsellor for foreign students, said last night that passage of the bill would remove essential financial support from some 300 of the University's 800 foreign students.

New Election Laws


The new Council committee consists of Alexander, Arnold L. Schuchter '55, chairman of the International Students Committee, and John W. Stokes '54. It will work with the National Students Association to cooperate with any other colleges that are planning action against the bill.

The Council last night also passed an amended set of constitution by-laws regulating procedure for all College elections. The regulations, which were drawn up by Edward M. Strasser '56, provide that elections must be "conducted in a dignified matter," set restrictions on campaigning, and allow for the use of absentee ballots.
