Lamont Library should stay open longer "on a trial basis" during this year's final examination period, the freshman Union Committee recommended Monday.
The Committee acted in accordance with the results of a straw vote which revealed that freshmen were overwhelmingly in favor of more study time.
Lamont Librarian Philip J. McNiff and Dean of Freshmen F. Skiddy von Stade, Jr. '38 both expressed doubt that freshmen would really use extended study time, and cited the inadequate use which last year's freshman class gave to a special study hall set up in the basement of Memorial Church last spring.
Of approximately 500 Yardlings who replied to the Union Committee poll, more than 360 said they would study in Lamont if it were open on Sundays. In addition, more than 100 said they would use the library from 10 p.m. to midnight each weekday.
After studying the results of the poll, the Union Committee named Harold A. Bantly '57 as chairman of a subcommittee to "satisfy as far as possible the desires of the class."
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