
Pole-Cat Menace

Now that the Pet Skunk Faction has taken over the proposed Conservative League, it apparently will be some time before a student organization represents the conservative point of view in the University. For the faction that wishes the League to be a forum for intellectual debate has withdrawn, leaving the Skunk element dedicated, to hear them talk, to fighting "Communism" by any means, including spying.

This group will go through the standard procedure of submitting a constitution to the Dean's Office. And the scouts will probably receive recognition, for statements made yesterday say only that they plan a club "to represent the conservative point of views." Yet on Saturday, the same people told the Boston papers and the CRIMSON that they will scout "even though the College Dean has warned them that a club advocating investigating will not be sanctioned." The Administration can only take the group on its word, and therefore must grant a charter.

But recognition only sanctions the group's legitimate activities. Since any so-called "scouting" would be done secretly, the question of recognition is unimportant here. Official sanction is wanted to lend emphasis to the club's statements. The aegis of the Harvard Conservative League is far more newsworthy outside the University than an individual's name.

Last week, this newspaper asked that the Conservative League make clear its intentions. Now, amidst the conflicting statements of the past two days, it is obvious that such a clarification will not come. At the same time, the rabid outcry made Sunday by an anonymous liberal group has lent the appearance of low comedy to the whole situation. But perhaps derision is the best of all possible solutions. The contemptuous laughter of the community may keep the Pet Skunk Faction from doing the harm of which it is capable.
