
Radcliffe Chooses Kuhlman As Student Council Leader

Clementina K. Kuhlman '55 of Nashville and Briggs Hall was elected President of the Radcliffe Student Council last night.

Janet M. Titus '55 of Malibu Beach, Calif, and Moors Hall was second, and Mary A. MacGregor '55 of Fargo, N.D. and Bertram Hall followed a close third.

As the same time, Radcliffe students voted 545 to 181 to continue all-college support of the Radclifee News.

Phyllis I. Fitzpatrick '55 of Saint Paul, Minn, and Holmes Hall was elected vice-President and Eleanor K. Smith '56 of Philadelphia and Moors Hall was chosen secretary.

Margaret E. Rose '56 of New York and Holmes Hall is treasurer; Ann Kielty '57 of Rockville Center, N.Y. and Holmes Hall, electoral chairman; and Jewelle A. Taylor '55 of Ansonia, Conn. and Cabot Hall, National Students Association delegate.


Jane A. Borden '57 of Concord, Mass. and Briggs Hall was elected alternate delegate to N.S.A., and Jill C. Spero '56 of Glencoe, Ill, and Bertram Hall, sub-treasurer.

In her campaign, Miss Kuhlman stressed the fact that many students now feel dissociated from the activities of the Council. "We treasure our right to resist having Student Council shoved at us," she said in an article in the Radcliffe News. "Yet many students also feel a definite desire to know more about the issues of the student body. We need a revitalization of attitude."

Increased publicity of Council activities and issues is one of the primary means for this. "Council should also consider issues beyond the Radcliffe community, and projects should be directed at conveying our opinions on academic matters to the faculty," she added.

Miss Kuhiman succeeds Lois A. Dickson '54 of Portland, Me. and Briggs Hall.

Speaking of the overwhelming vote in favor of the Radcliffe News, Anny Werman '55, Editor-in-Chief, said yesterday, "I am very happy that the News was supported so enthusiastically. We appreciate this vote of confidence and plan to make substantial improvements this year."
