The House Un-American Activities Committee affirmed Saturday that the majority of American educators and clergymen are loyal to national ideals, although it deplored the "few" that are Communists.
In its annual report to Congress, the Committee conceded that "the Communist conspiracy" had "made determined, and in many cases, successful infiltration" in the field of education.
But, the report continued, "the measure of Communist success is minor when related to the many thousands of loyal American teachers who have refused to become robots or mechanical rabbits at the beck and call of the conspirator.
"Evidence on the record indicates that in no instance has a university or other educational institution knowingly employed the services of a member of the Communist Party," it commented.
No Religious Investigation
The Committee declared that it has not conducted and does not intend to conduct any "investigation of subversive infiltration of the clergy or religion." This is in keeping with its principle of not probing into "the curricula of any school" or into "the classroom procedures or teaching methods of an educator."
It has proceeded against individual clergymen, however.
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