
Advance Standing Decision to Come In several Days

Although the Faculty Committee on Educational Policy took definite action yesterday towards approving a sub-committee report on advanced standing, it was learned last night that no report on specific proposals will be made until next week.

Sources close to the Committee indicated that at least this much time will be required for a thorough revision of the preliminary report it heard yesterday.

The final report will be submitted to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for approval on Feb. 16. It will probably include the Committee's recommendations on such matters as admitting students to the College before their last year in secondary school, on the giving of advanced placement or actual course credit for secondary school work, and on the admission of exceptionally qualified students directly as sophomores.

More Time for Honors Seniors

Another recommendation will concern reducing course requirements for exceptional honors seniors to enable them to devate more time to research or special studies.


Committee members have been considering the whole problem of advanced standing since last spring. In addition to extensive research on their own, they have had ready access to several detailed studies by the Ford Foundation and other groups.
